Study of Human Hand is Palmistry
Man is composed of four elements available on this universe. The four elements are namely earth/soil, water, heat/sun and air. Once this happens then fifth element come into existence & i.e. space because this formed body occupies space and hence our Veda’s have written the bodies in this universe are of five elements. The constituting elements have affinities and inaffinities among them selves. Human being made up these elements displays affinities and inaffinities to the electromagnetic vibrations coming from various planets and other cosmic bodies. The electromagnetic vibrations of various cosmic bodies predominate as certain specific influences generated out of the preponderance of specific elements in those bodies.
Palmist approach to study of Human Hand
Figure 1
Palmist requirement
- Hand is starting point of a palmist. Correct examination and through insight into the nature of the hand are two essential requirements for the palm reading.
- Requirements to be a good palmist
- Points to keep in mind
- The shape.
- Length of the hand & fingers.
- Colour of hand & lines.
- Texture of the hand.
- Flexibility of hand & fingers separately as well combined.
- Structure of Mounts.
- Various bend of fingers and spaces in fingers etc. etc.
Types of Hands
- Elementary Hand.
- Square Palm Shaped.
- Spatulate Hand.
- Conic Hand.
- Psychic Hand.
- Philosophical Hand.
- Artistic
- Other types are small, long, large, Practical, Broad and mixed Hand.
Texture of skin
- The fine texture :- The skin is said to be fine when the hand are smooth in touch. The fine texture denotes pleasant actions, good manners, pleasing tone in voice etc.
- The coarse skin texture :- the skin is said to be coarse when it is somewhat dry and rough. The coarse skin texture are usually found on elementary hands on others hands it has different effect. The coarse skin texture reduce the good qualities of any hand.
- The third type of texture is elastic :- This type is a balance the above two types. This type provide practicality, common sense and analysis. It is mostly found on professional hand like doctors, lawyers or businessmen’s.
- Consistency is the quality of the hand or flesh of the palm where by it either shows resistance or yields to external pressure.
- Hard consistency:-If it resists any pressure then it is hard consistency.
- Flabby consistency:-If yields to pressure ,gives sponge like feel and takes time to regain its original position, it is flabby consistency.
- Elastic consistency:- If palm regains its original position instantly after the pressure.
- Soft consistency: – here the palm is sponge like but regains its original position immediately but not like elastic.
Finger & thumb
Study of finger
- Phalanges distances.
- The shape of fingers tips:- Pointed, Spatulate, Square, Conic, Philosophic.
- Spaces between fingers.
- Types straight, bent, Knotty. Smooth, long, short, thin & thick.
- Flexibility Types: – flexible, non flexible , flabby or soft, hard.
The important positions, which are of great help to you while reading the hands, rather than dragging you to details.
There are three positions of Thumb.
- First is when it is not found bend back in outer periphery and stands in an upward direction close to the finger of Jupiter, which speaks of people, who are very conventional and traditional. They are not willing to accept the new changes, emerging on this earth, more so if the consistency is also stiff and they are happy with their
- The second position is when it bends outward and here you find a person who is willing to accept the changes