When Will I get Married

When Will I get Married


This is very difficult question to answer, although it is most important question for every young person girl or boy at marriageable age. Parents of young boy or girl also worried for their ward to know, when will their ward get married. at this point of time an astrologer or palmist is most important for them.

Calculating or predicting timing of marriage is a tricky. In this article i will give very clear cut age wise yoga which are out of 34 years experience & after analysing thousand of horoscope in which it was true in more than 80% cases. Here, are few methods of Vedic astrology, Prashna Shastra, Krishnamurthi System or from hand reading.Among these Krishnamurti normally call K.P. system is most accurate system for solving such questions.In krishnamurti.

  • This system uses Placidus House system.
  • The planet in its dasha gives results as per its Nakshatra-Swami (Star-Lord) rather than the planet itself.
  • Hence Planet is represents the SOURCE, that Planet’s Star-Lord represents the EFFECTS, RESULTS and that Planet’s Sub gives idea of the FINAL DIRECTION of that result.
  • KP highly uses Ruling Planets methodology which says that the planets at the time of desire and fructifications are always same.

In K.P. system 7th sub lord is most important. Its placement 11th is 5th from 7th and symbolises love and affection of partner and his creative force etc. but 12th: New environment, bed-comforts, marriage abroad, heavy expenditure.

Houses 1, 6, 8 and 10 are houses of negation of marriage. 6

Signs 3, 9 and 12 indicate duality of marriage. 9


Method 2:- Now as per Vedic Astrology, here are following yoga and rules in this context of marriage timing.

  1. If ascendant rasi of a Navamsa charts is in seventh house og birth chart, also seventh lord is in twelfth from  ascendant will than marriage happens in the age of 16 years to 20 years of age.
  2. If second lord is in eleventh house and vice verse i.e. eleventh lord goes to second house than marriage take place in age between 16 years to 25 years.
  3. There is another yoga for very early marriage is when second lord is posited in eleventh house along with tenth lord in second house than marriage normally take place in the age range from 17 years to 20 years.
  4. Another yoga is when Venus is in centre (kendra) (1,4,7 or 10) along with seventh lord in Saturn’s sign Capricorn Aquarias and aspects from beneficial planets than marriage take place in the age of 23 to 28.
  5. Next yoga is if second houser is having Venus in it along with seventh lord in eleventh house than marriage normally take place in the age of 23rd to 28th year.
  6. Next yoga is when Venus along with Moon and Saturn are in seventh house than marriage does get late and is possible in the age of 30 years to 33 years.
  7. If Jupiter is combustion (with five degrees of Sun) than normally marriage of girl  very get late it take place in the age of 33 years to 35 years but in certain  there is no marriage but happens only if seventh lord is in 6th, 2nd or 12th house along with malefic or with lords of natural malefic house i.e. 3rd,6th,8th or 12th houyse lords the most important is seventh has malefic planets or aspects.
  8. Now if Sun is in seventh there are following conditions: –
  • Sun in seventh house but seventh lord in with or aspects full by Venus also Venus is in kendra than only marriage happens between 23 years to 25 years but if Venus is not in kendra or afflicted by some malefic planet or aspects by malefic than marriage gets late to the age between 30 years to 33 years.
  • If Sun is seventh house, Venus in second house along with malefic planet and seventh lord in Lagna marriage take place very late to the age 34 years to 36 years.
  • If Sun in seventh house Jupiter in kendra and Venus in sixth house than marriage take place in the age of 33 years to 35 years for girls.

Other points to keep in mind are as follows:-

Now, apart from above yoga’s  marriage take place during of Dasa,antra dasa of seventh lord, planet placed in seventh house in natal chart or Jupiter dasa for girl, Venus Dasa for boy.

For Girl look for this in Transit :-

Transit is also very important as some time Dasa or antra dasa is not there but in transit Jupiter aspects seventh lord for girls.

  • When Jupiter in seventh house along with seventh lord of Natal chart or Jupiter is in Seventh house and seventh lord in Lagna.
  • When Jupiter in kendra along with seventh lord and if Lagna lord is either with Jupiter & seventh lord combination or aspect combination of Jupiter & seventh lord.

For Boy look for this in Transit :-

In Case of boys marriage for timing from Transit Venus is very important. When Venus in Transit is having some connection with seventh house i.e.

  • When Venus in seventh house along with seventh lord of Natal chart or Venus is in Seventh house and seventh lord in Lagna.
  • When Venus in kendra along with seventh lord and if Lagna lord is either with Venus & seventh lord combination or aspect combination of Venus & seventh lord.

I tried to give some astrological combinations which might be help many people but it does never means that these are always meets such situations because there are numerous other factors in a horoscope. therefore one must check for other factors along with good combinations in the horoscope before finally deciding the fate of any person.


Author: admin

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